Nap time
My Rating:
Category: Wet & Messy
Runtime: 6 minutes
Date Added: 10/4/2024


Naptime adventures with Baby J! Time to transform into a cozy naptime superhero! "Hey there, little dreamer!" I call as J waddles into the room, ready for a diapered snooze. Off come the hoodie, joggers, and those adorable truck undies, leaving just the magical combo – a snug diaper and a cute onesie!

The diaper whispers secrets of a little sprinkle, but no worries! It's a superhero diaper, ready for naptime magic. "Lie down, sweetie," I say, dimming the lights as we embark on the naptime journey. Gentle pats and soothing strokes on the diapered bottom, paci sucking, and cuddles wi...

Nap time

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