Story of how I met David.
My camera broke 3 weeks ago, and I am left with 3 videos inside the internal memory... was it a sign that the time to leave had come? I admit that mentally I am always in a retirement limbo, being a producer has beautiful things but it is a career that is not easy at all, obviously due to the existence of toxic users or how difficult it is still to work creating content for adults. I meditate daily to try that the positive thoughts always outweigh the negative ones, but this last time the negative ones were winning, my motivation was zero, my camera would take 2 months to be ready, so I did research on how to rent a new camera, everything It was nice except for the price, it was exactly the same as starting the legal procedures for the Brazilian, so I had to choose between starting a lawsuit or having a work tool for the next few weeks, but seriously, I would rent a camera when my motivation was really on the floor? I try not to think and just follow my intuition, I rented a much better camera than mine and went to the mall, I think it really is the worst place to try to recruit someone, it is always easier to access interviews in less crowded places, but I was very close to the camera center and I needed to clear my head, so a walk would not hurt me,that's when I saw him, he looked like some kind of angel contemplating a sneaker showcase, my keen eyesight as I passed by him allowed me to see that he was on his cell phone with the open calculator application, subtracting almost as if to see if he could really buy that type of sneaker, my urge to talk to him was great, I didn't even have a premeditated idea before talking to him but I thought; Well, he's young, he must know about video games, I'll do a kind of trivia that if he answers well, he could win some sneakers and I'll chat with him for a while...
David, the boy with the beautiful eyes was called David and he is 18 years old (Almost 19 since he turns them soon).
From the first second I could tell that he was a happy person and full of energy, I mentioned the rules of the contest and that if he answered correctly he could win a pair of sneakers, his face lit up, because apparently it was just what he wanted.
I made him choose between 4 topics for his trivia, he chose one in which he thought he was comfortable and everything was going very well for him, since he had 2 correct answers out of 3 and he only had to answer one more question to win the prize. (Was I really going to give him the award even if he said no about joining str8crushfeet? Actually, yes, I didn't even know if I would be able to talk to him about feet, but I felt like it might just brighten his day a little. that would make me happy too, so yes... I was willing to give him that prize even without anything in return lol).
But David failed the third question, at this point I was already panicking, the most beautiful eyes and the most tender and genuine smile that I had seen in a long time in a boy were about to say goodbye... maybe forever, but I couldn't I plucked up the courage and talked to him about being a foot model, he was very interested and he was very happy, since he told me that he currently works in a fast food place and he was very interested in knowing about people who want to see his feet in videos... I bought him a hamburger and his feline gaze lit up again and he gave that 0.5 second smile again that feels like a punch that clouds your judgement.
I made it up for lunch and he filled me with questions, he was a very talkative boy, extroverted, open-minded, lively and also too funny, he never stops moving and making faces so in the end his physical cute appearance matches his even brighter personality, it's impossible to look at him without making your day. We had a long talk, I explained to him all the pros and cons of being a model for adult material but he was very determined, apparently the idea of being a foot model and having someone else lick his feet excited him a lot. I must admit that it's the first time that I don't automatically think about how that cute boy's feet will be like. I was so absorbed with his magnetic personality and those ocean eyes with changing tones that even me, the most obsessed with handsome straight men's feet didn't completly thinking about this guy's feet... although once the thought came up... I thought of him as possibly the cutest master of str8crushfeet, who I hoped his feet would be just as cute as he is. It's not something I always do, but I remembered the time I gave Joeng a pair of sneakers as a gift for his first clip and I felt that this time David deserved even more than that, so I offered him a complete outfit as a thanks for wanting to be part of my straight masters army, David couldn't believe it.
Going through the stores with him was a lot of fun, the blond boy fell in love with a pair of light blue retro jordan 5s, but after looking at the price he didn't want them anymore, I insisted that if he liked them we could buy them, David somehow still believed that anything could be a game, but he was perplexed when I finished buying them for him, really as a producer I want the prettiest boy to have the prettiest clothes but my personal happiness, the one I felt when I saw him happy was undeniable, I don't consider myself someone who likes findom but i think making david happy is my new fetish.
We kept looking for clothes until we found a yellow jacket and a yellow and black sweatsuit, yellow is one of his favorite colors and it suits him very well, also that jacket reminds him to David Martinez from Cyberpunk which is a character that he likes and wich who also share the same first name. The result of seeing him with that new look was stupidly unreal, how can someone so cute exist? I'm a simp am i acting like a simp? What does it matter, David deserves all that, I just met him and I already feel the contagion of his energy. Had I even forgotten how discouraged I was this morning, deciding on the camera the very day I met David? It was clearly a sign that I should not abandon my passion and that if I am going to resume this I must do it with everything, I decided that the David master's "surname" would be Sparks or Muse, because I feel that it really was that spark of inspiration that I was missing, that energy that inspired me to make content! Thanks David for bringing that spark back to str8crush.
We got home and David changed his clothes, he seemed like a new person, he's still the same stupidly perfect faced boy, but something in his security changed quickly and for the better.
While we were shopping for clothes I set up a welcome for David at my house, with Kent, Kaen and Joel (who recently called me about rejoining the str8crush army) and Patrick would be the lucky bastard to taste David's feet.
David meets the boys who quickly become friends with him due to David's extra sociable nature. and his master initiation ceremony begins. Joel begins by opening the curtain showing his white socks on his huge and thick feet that I know many of you missed, followed by Kent and his sexy little and soft feet waiting for the next move was Kaen but David is ahead of him and begins to demonstrate with a funny but dominant, attitude why he deserves to be the new star of the master army....
David has loads of charisma and verbal ability, if you put all that on the scale and put it together with his cute pop star face, you have the perfect straight friend, the one who wouldn't be surprised by your taste in feet and who would use you in friendly ways. for the convenience of both. I want to highlight that all this foot tease was completely improvised by him, I just gave him the context of "you find out your best friend has a foot fetish" and his brain made up a whole story on his own, so I think he's quite good at roleplaying
I am really surprised by David's performance as a master, it is clear that he genuinely enjoys it a lot.
I am also extremely grateful for giving me back that spark that every content creator needs. Thanks to this I feel unstoppable.
since he is so good from the minute 0, i can't imagine how much potential he has with time....