Shamed Slave 056 Subjected To Demeaning Naked Floor Scrubbing!!!
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Category: Made To Strip
Runtime: 4 minutes
Date Added: 9/16/2019


JOIN www. Submissive Naked Humiliated . com to see stunning babes who are made to remove their clothes, at first they're unenthusiastic but after negotiating and taking a commanding position they soon listen and do as they're told!

- Slave 056 is being to scrub her Masters floor without a stitch of clothing on, the cold tiled floor and the slave being handcuffed are constant aggravations and irritations for the slave. She carries on scrubbing the floor, but she complains about the menial task which she is being to do, her Master will not accept any form of disobedience! He makes h...

Shamed Slave 056 Subjected To Demeaning Naked Floor Scrubbing!!!

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