PP161 - Girl vs. Girl Mat Action - featuring Joanne Lee and Gabriele Hames
As you can tell from the vital statistics, we are doing everything possible to match Joanne against the biggest, strongest females we can find. Fresh from her impressive Ms. Olympia showing two seeks earlier, the heavily muscled Brit (5'8" 182 lbs.) was hard as nails and ready, as she put it, to "kick some butt on the mat." Gabby, who is much larger than Joanne at 6'1", 205 lbs., is a fitness trainer from Germany. She was willing to challenge Joanne even without any previous mat experience. Refusing to be intimidat...
PP161 - Girl vs. Girl Mat Action - featuring Joanne Lee and Gabriele Hames
As you can tell from the vital statistics, we are doing everything possible to match Joanne against the biggest, strongest females we can find. Fresh from her impressive Ms. Olympia showing two seeks earlier, the heavily muscled Brit (5'8" 182 lbs.) was hard as nails and ready, as she put it, to "kick some butt on the mat." Gabby, who is much larger than Joanne at 6'1", 205 lbs., is a fitness trainer from Germany. She was willing to challenge Joanne even without any previous mat experience. Refusing to be intimidat...