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Jemma Lifts and Carries Wimpy
My Rating:
Runtime: 14 minutes
Category: Lift & Carry
Date Added: 02/07/16, 12:38 PM


Jemma's ready to have fun while she putting a little fear in Wimpy as she shows off her true strength in this impressive Lift & Carry Video. Jemma shows she can handle all the lifts with ease including: CRADLE, PIGGY BACK, BACK-TO-BACK, OVER THE SHOULDER, FIREMAN'S, LEG PRESS and DONKEY CALF RAISES (Jemma's legs are so long that Wimpy needs a step stool to reach Jemma's waist as they prepare for the Donkey Calf Raises) Jemma loves feeling powerful and strong during this video but the same can't be said for Wimpy who's left worn out and needing a nap! Watch this amazing video and you'll see why...
Jemma Lifts and Carries Wimpy

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