Learning how to blow can be a difficult process: for our newcomers, it's broken down in parts. In this video Amber goes to Level Two and tries to blow to pop a freshly bought crystal blue TufTex 24''. It's not so easy! The wicked toy tries to fly out of her mouth, slip between her fingers, do anything to avoid being blown up so tight it gets blown to shreds. But Amber is no newbie and eventually, this beautiful TT24'' is reduced to small rubber pieces. EXP acquired!
Learning how to blow can be a difficult process: for our newcomers, it's broken down in parts. In this video Amber goes to Level Two and tries to blow to pop a freshly bought crystal blue TufTex 24''. It's not so easy! The wicked toy tries to fly out of her mouth, slip between her fingers, do anything to avoid being blown up so tight it gets blown to shreds. But Amber is no newbie and eventually, this beautiful TT24'' is reduced to small rubber pieces. EXP acquired!