Pink, pink and only pink. Celestine grabs some of her favourite balloons — the Unique 16''s to show off her new dress along with some nice popping moves. But what are those? Huge pink orbs: soft, stretchy (and a bit smelly) South America 36''s! Now her mission is much harder! U16''s are no match for our frill-covered : she sitpops them with ease, even playng with one for a bit, enjoying her rubber ride which can only squeak helplessly as it's squished under the maid's puffy dress. After finally tackling her last 16'', Celestine can try out the big ones. She tries so hard to sitpop them, but th...
Pink, pink and only pink. Celestine grabs some of her favourite balloons — the Unique 16''s to show off her new dress along with some nice popping moves. But what are those? Huge pink orbs: soft, stretchy (and a bit smelly) South America 36''s! Now her mission is much harder! U16''s are no match for our frill-covered : she sitpops them with ease, even playng with one for a bit, enjoying her rubber ride which can only squeak helplessly as it's squished under the maid's puffy dress. After finally tackling her last 16'', Celestine can try out the big ones. She tries so hard to sitpop them, but th...