Dia smokes parts of two Cork Filter 100s. She wears a black top, framed head to chest for the first cigarette, and looks sexy in a black leather-like jacket and skin-tight red leather pants, framed farther out, for the second. She does cones, streams, wide open mouth exhales, and nose exhales. This is audition and test footage requiring more cuts than our usual videos and you get about 30 seconds of Dia showing her long tongue during a break. Some dialog and two different light-ups.
Dia smokes parts of two Cork Filter 100s. She wears a black top, framed head to chest for the first cigarette, and looks sexy in a black leather-like jacket and skin-tight red leather pants, framed farther out, for the second. She does cones, streams, wide open mouth exhales, and nose exhales. This is audition and test footage requiring more cuts than our usual videos and you get about 30 seconds of Dia showing her long tongue during a break. Some dialog and two different light-ups.