Hennie smokes a Cork Filter 100 with cones, streams, and nose exhales while she practices French Inhaling. Hennie has fun with it, laughing and verbally kicking herself for the occasional mess up. You can hear her say that she sucks at it, even though she was pretty good at it for many of the inhales. Framing is head and shoulders to very up close. Some dialog and a few laughs. Hennie also does several inhales with her mouth like she normally does.
Hennie smokes a Cork Filter 100 with cones, streams, and nose exhales while she practices French Inhaling. Hennie has fun with it, laughing and verbally kicking herself for the occasional mess up. You can hear her say that she sucks at it, even though she was pretty good at it for many of the inhales. Framing is head and shoulders to very up close. Some dialog and a few laughs. Hennie also does several inhales with her mouth like she normally does.