Another little quick diddy of a clip for those of you who just LOVE seeing superheroine's tied up and struggling! Watch as BatGirl wriggles and strains to free herself from the chains that a burgular bound her with. He goes to make his escape but she starts yelling for help, so thinking quick on his feet, grabs the bright green duct tape and tapes her loud mouth shut! As she squirms and wriggles, trying to get free, there's a knock on the's a news crew! Her secret identity is OUT!!
Another little quick diddy of a clip for those of you who just LOVE seeing superheroine's tied up and struggling! Watch as BatGirl wriggles and strains to free herself from the chains that a burgular bound her with. He goes to make his escape but she starts yelling for help, so thinking quick on his feet, grabs the bright green duct tape and tapes her loud mouth shut! As she squirms and wriggles, trying to get free, there's a knock on the's a news crew! Her secret identity is OUT!!