In this exciting conclusion to our story, Wonder Shellene follows the dichipered clue to the secret hide-out of what she believes is where her beloved Steve is being held captive. Upon searching the building, she suddenly is overtaken by a hissing gas coming from an overhead vent. Before she knows what's what, the gas knocks her! Enter the mysterious woman who set up this trap for our star-spangled heroine....she approaches the heroine and deboots her, then removes her golden belt of strength along with her bracelets, taunting her as she goes. When Wonder Shellene awakens, she is bound by a sp...
In this exciting conclusion to our story, Wonder Shellene follows the dichipered clue to the secret hide-out of what she believes is where her beloved Steve is being held captive. Upon searching the building, she suddenly is overtaken by a hissing gas coming from an overhead vent. Before she knows what's what, the gas knocks her! Enter the mysterious woman who set up this trap for our star-spangled heroine....she approaches the heroine and deboots her, then removes her golden belt of strength along with her bracelets, taunting her as she goes. When Wonder Shellene awakens, she is bound by a sp...