Flying her invisible jet almost two-thousand miles to the north woods of Wisconsin, Crimson Star (played by the hugely-popular and beautiful fetish model Bethany Hartwell-Black) investigates a mysterious home reputed to be the lair of the diabolical mind-controlling mastermind, Doctor Mesmer. Entering the home and searching for Doctor Mesmer's diabolical "magna-bomb" turns up the bomb but with only two minutes left until detonation. Feverishly calling up her bomb-defusal skills from her years with the League of Amazing Women, Crimson Star defuses the diabolical explosive with less than twen...
Flying her invisible jet almost two-thousand miles to the north woods of Wisconsin, Crimson Star (played by the hugely-popular and beautiful fetish model Bethany Hartwell-Black) investigates a mysterious home reputed to be the lair of the diabolical mind-controlling mastermind, Doctor Mesmer. Entering the home and searching for Doctor Mesmer's diabolical "magna-bomb" turns up the bomb but with only two minutes left until detonation. Feverishly calling up her bomb-defusal skills from her years with the League of Amazing Women, Crimson Star defuses the diabolical explosive with less than twenty seconds left on the timer. Unfortunately, with all of her attention devoted to the bomb in front of her, she does not sense Dr. Mesmer sneaking up on her until it is too late. Grabbing at Crimson Star from behind, he quickly captures the beautiful heroine by snatching away her power items and then pulling his electro-stun on her. Crimson Star, now helpless, has no choice but to raise her hands in surrender and await her inevitable fate at the hands of her deadliest arch-enemy.
Covering the helpless heroine with his raygun, Dr. Mesmer interrogates the beautiful blonde amazon and starts to ask her questions. When she refuses to answer he holds her at bay with his sidearm and places a mind-dampening "mesmer-prismatic control beacon" around her neck and sets it for a mesmerizing oscillation cycle. Soon Crimson Star's willpower starts to slowly weaken under the glittering, soothing pulses of the prismatic device and not long afterwords her psyche is apparently completely Unfortunately, Doctor Mesmer does not realize that this is a trap and so when he draws in for a closer look Crimson Star sucker-punches him several times and totally floors the supervillain even without her super-strength. In answer, the doctor stuns her several times with his electro-blaster, supercharging her body with his 40,000-volt electrobolts and slamming the courageous crimefighter backwards onto the floor, driving her completely insensate.
When Crimson Star finally recovers an hour later she finds that she has now been handcuffed with inhibitor bands and fitted with a control 'neuro-shock' collar around her neck. On her second interrogation by Doctor Mesmer he makes sure to inquire more comprehensively about Crimson Star's superpowers and her weaknesses, which she is to divulge after being 'disciplined' several times by the press of a button on the control collar's master remote. Unable to take the barrage of electric shocks and pain-blasts, Crimson Star divulges the secret identities of both her and her older step-sister, is to give out vital Amazonian information, and in the end is by Doctor Mesmer into rendering herself into fantabulous oblivion three times by his insistence. As Crimson Star lays on the floor in dreamy bliss, her thoughts a meaningless jumble of tranquilized gibberish, what are the plans of the diabolical Dr. Mesmer for this young heroine laying sluggishly on the ground in front of him?
This video is for lovers of extensive mesmerism and mind-invasions, handcuff fetish, electro-stunning and takedowns by raygun, spandex catsuits, direct interrogation by a villain, power item removal, electrical shock-collars and disciplinary action, heroines defiantly going against the will of her captors and being punished for said behavior, debeltings and tiara removal, sexy shots of heroines in high-heeled boots, and heroines being to take themselves down by pressure and from a supercriminal mastermind.