WONDROUS WOMAN & THE BIONIC SISTERS in "The Tasmanian Conspiracy" (Part 2 of 2)
My Rating:
Category: Superheroines
Runtime: 27 minutes
Date Added: 3/11/2015


starring CLAIRE VAIL as Wondrous Woman, ESTER AMORAL as Ester & VIVIAN IREENE PIERCE as Vivian

Watching Diana Prince return home from work late at night, Ester observes her from afar with the infrared imaging sensor housed in her bionic eye. As Diana goes into her condo, Ester follows and uses her bionic strength to break open the door. Confronting Diana though in her living room, Ester (who was expecting to once again pounce on a powerless Diana Prince) is stunned to find that it is actually a well-prepared WW (wearing a long black coat to conceal her costume) waiting for her instead...
WONDROUS WOMAN & THE BIONIC SISTERS in "The Tasmanian Conspiracy" (Part 2 of 2)

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