starring CLAIRE VAIL as Wondrous Woman, ESTER AMORAL as Ester & VIVIAN IREENE PIERCE as Vivian
Watching Diana Prince return home from work late at night, Ester observes her from afar with the infrared imaging sensor housed in her bionic eye. As Diana goes into her condo, Ester follows and uses her bionic strength to break open the door. Confronting Diana though in her living room, Ester (who was expecting to once again pounce on a powerless Diana Prince) is stunned to find that it is actually a well-prepared WW (wearing a long black coat to conceal her costume) waiting for her instead...
starring CLAIRE VAIL as Wondrous Woman, ESTER AMORAL as Ester & VIVIAN IREENE PIERCE as Vivian
Watching Diana Prince return home from work late at night, Ester observes her from afar with the infrared imaging sensor housed in her bionic eye. As Diana goes into her condo, Ester follows and uses her bionic strength to break open the door. Confronting Diana though in her living room, Ester (who was expecting to once again pounce on a powerless Diana Prince) is stunned to find that it is actually a well-prepared WW (wearing a long black coat to conceal her costume) waiting for her instead. The two tussle and this time Wondrous Woman has the upper hand in spite of Ester's great abilities to leap into the air and avoid the whirling loop of the magic lasso. However, using a special hand-held magnetic resonance generator to disrupt the electronic flow of information to Ester's bionic limbs, Ester falters and eventually gets caught. WW tries to order the lassoed Ester to stop fighting but WW has lassoed the artificial bionic arm and so Ester doesn't have to obey any of the commands since it's not a part of her biological system. WW once again seizes the upper hand by using an artificial EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) generator to cause catastrophic damage to Ester's bionic legs. The atomic batteries in the legs disrupted and cracked open (leaking radiation) leaves Ester laying ruined on the floor. This time lassoing Ester's one biological arm with the golden lasso, our heroine WW does manage to subjugate Ester's will and her to answer the questions and tell the truth. Ester is to admit that if her arms are bound by an unbreakable rope and she's ordered to exert full bionic power against it, the bionic limb will literally tear itself apart under stress trying to break and unbreakable substance. Using this knowledge to her advantage, WW orders Ester to do just that. Ester is into ripping apart her own bionic arm, taking her out of the fight.
When Vivian runs up the driveway at 60mph to save her step-sister she soon finds out it's already too late. Attacking WW the courageous Vivian proves to be a better combatant than the wisecracking Ester, landing bionic kick after bionic kick against the amazing amazon and even manages to tear off WW's golden belt of strength at one point, claiming the upper hand in this fight of technology vs. magic. Diana quickly counter-strategizes and manages to get a few moments to catch her breath when Ester's faint cries for help are heard by Vivian's ultra-sensitive bionic ear and Vivian leaves the fight to go tend to her hurting step-sister locked away in another room. Reclaiming her belt, WW regains her power and the final chapter of this fight plays out for all of Washington to see. Will amazons triumph over cyborgs, or will technology beat out magical sorcery? Tune in, and find out!
This clip is for lovers of bionic and cyborg action, including bionic running, jumping, feats of strength, kicking, punching, throwing, spinning around at superhumanly-fast velocities, bionic hearing and bionic vision, as well as bionic systems damage and horrendous cybernetic damage and failure of key bionic components. This clip also has panty shots (Vivian), 70's clothing, a very sexy debelting, arms over head (AOH) fetish, tripping (belt and high heeled shoes), pantyhose and tights fetish (the bionic girls wear suntan-colored pantyhose), limb checks (bionic legs, which make a dull whirring sound as they go offline and drop lifelessly to the floor), as well as electro-shocking, struggling, catfighting and G/G fights, short-circuiting cyborg limbs, magic lasso interrogation (both successful and unsuccessful) and lots of panning shots of powerless amazons moaning and crying on the floor while stripped of all power. This is one video you will not want to miss!