The Evil Dr. Putz is foiled by a beautiful temptress known as Super Scissors (played by our Super Sexy Robin!). The maniacal criminal is no match for the perfectly formed and superhumanly strong legs of his sexy adversary as she crushes him with the of one hundred boa constrictors. The little evil man is mercilessly punished as Super Scissors enjoys the debacle of his destruction. A great video for fans of scissors and awesomely shaped gams!!! Clip 4 of 6
The Evil Dr. Putz is foiled by a beautiful temptress known as Super Scissors (played by our Super Sexy Robin!). The maniacal criminal is no match for the perfectly formed and superhumanly strong legs of his sexy adversary as she crushes him with the of one hundred boa constrictors. The little evil man is mercilessly punished as Super Scissors enjoys the debacle of his destruction. A great video for fans of scissors and awesomely shaped gams!!! Clip 4 of 6