Robin receives a call informing her of a villainess known as the Cerebral Mistress (Kristiana) and transforms in to The Golden Avenger to apprehend her. However, the Cerebral Mistress isn't going down without a fight. The sexy villainess uses her evil powers to control The Golden Avenger's mind and is able to mold her like putty. Will our gorgeous superheroine meet her demise? Or is the unsurpassed super power of The Golden Avenger enough to overcome the Cerebral Mistress' mind games? Get this hot video and find out!!!
Robin receives a call informing her of a villainess known as the Cerebral Mistress (Kristiana) and transforms in to The Golden Avenger to apprehend her. However, the Cerebral Mistress isn't going down without a fight. The sexy villainess uses her evil powers to control The Golden Avenger's mind and is able to mold her like putty. Will our gorgeous superheroine meet her demise? Or is the unsurpassed super power of The Golden Avenger enough to overcome the Cerebral Mistress' mind games? Get this hot video and find out!!!