Heavy Food Humiliation - 2D - 320x160 400Kbps
Studio: Supreme Empress Valeria Valkiria
IT: I veri cani mangiano solo gli avanzi dei padroni! Sono io la Padrona di questa schifezza, questo lurido tritarifiuti ha il compito di mangiare i miei avanzi masticati e la mia saliva e di dissetarsi con la mia pioggia dorata! A quattro zampe, totalmente umiliato dinnanzi il potere che esercito su di lui, deve solo ingoiare e ringraziare!
EN: The real eat only leftovers of the owners! I'm the mistress of this, this filthy garbage disposal has the task of eating my leftovers and chewed my saliva and drink with my golden shower! On all fours, totally humiliated before the power that ...
EN: The real eat only leftovers of the owners! I'm the mistress of this, this filthy garbage disposal has the task of eating my leftovers and chewed my saliva and drink with my golden shower! On all fours, totally humiliated before the power that ...

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