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Burping, a bloated belly & vore ~ Sweet Maria
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Burping, a bloated belly & vore. Maria had just finished a large meal that consisted of little men - one after the other, she devoured them as if they were popcorn. However, she saved the best for last: you. And she would have eaten you already if it wasn't for a pesky tummy ache; all those tinies seemed to be rebelling inside her, struggling to survive and screaming for help... What better way to shut them up other than by them in a fizzy Pepsi? So she did, burping away. As she does, Maria brings you closer to her mouth, so you can see how her uvula clenches as she belches - and how it sme...
Burping, a bloated belly & vore ~ Sweet Maria

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1080p - mp4 511MB
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