While I was napping, a small little man found his way onto my giantess body. He traveled through my soft skin, exploring every corner of my body: my pink pussy, my belly button, my nipples... A soft tingle made me wake up from my beauty rest. Great! What a surprise it was: breakfast in bed! I picked him up and, after teasing and tasting him with my big, fat tongue, I swallowed him whole with a great, huge gulp! Yum!
While I was napping, a small little man found his way onto my giantess body. He traveled through my soft skin, exploring every corner of my body: my pink pussy, my belly button, my nipples... A soft tingle made me wake up from my beauty rest. Great! What a surprise it was: breakfast in bed! I picked him up and, after teasing and tasting him with my big, fat tongue, I swallowed him whole with a great, huge gulp! Yum!