Smoking & Foot Fetish [Custom]
My Rating:
Category: Foot Fetish
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 6/19/2016


You are comfortably sitting at the couch when I walk past you. Your eyes immediately follow me as I sit down next to you and cross my sexy, patyhosed legs. I am desperate for a cigarette... So I light up a Marlboro menthol and smoke it up while seductively looking at you. I pout my lips everytime I inhale; it seems to turn you on even more. What is it about me? Is it my smoking that turns you on? Or my small, little pantyhosed feet? I blow the smoke from my cigarette right onto your face while kneading your buldge with my feet. Includes: smoking, audible inhales and exhales, french inhale, cig...
Smoking & Foot Fetish [Custom]

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