Step-(s)step-mother smoke.
POV's step-mother has been a smoker ever since he can remember. Today, she sits him down for a chat--while she, of course, smokes her Marlboros with hungry drags and blows smoke all over POV's face.
"Breathe it in, baby," Maria encourages. She knows all about POV's smoking fetish. Hard to have missed, from the way he usually stares, practically drooling, whenever his step-mom lights up a smoke.
Maria has something in mind. She wants POV to stroke and cum for her and her smoke. Positive reinforcement for being coaxed into second-hand smoking. Soon, ve...
Step-(s)step-mother smoke.
POV's step-mother has been a smoker ever since he can remember. Today, she sits him down for a chat--while she, of course, smokes her Marlboros with hungry drags and blows smoke all over POV's face.
"Breathe it in, baby," Maria encourages. She knows all about POV's smoking fetish. Hard to have missed, from the way he usually stares, practically drooling, whenever his step-mom lights up a smoke.
Maria has something in mind. She wants POV to stroke and cum for her and her smoke. Positive reinforcement for being coaxed into second-hand smoking. Soon, ve...