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206 Raquel Roper gymnast and tickled ipod
My Rating:
Runtime: 6 minutes
Category: Struggling
Date Added: 10/08/16, 12:15 AM


Ipod Raquel Roper was on her way to a gymnastics meet when she stopped at the convenience store for a cold bottle of water. She is wearing her team leotard and shiny tights. When she came out of the store she saw a man standing next to her car. She said hello as she walked on by. Next thing she knows she's strapped spread eagle to the cold cement floor with Medical cuffs and chains they begin to rub on her silky body and tickle her until she screams into her gag for mercy. Then they decided they need another victim to join in but before they leave her there they slide a Hitachi magic wand ...
206 Raquel Roper gymnast and tickled ipod

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