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Step Daughter Dumped And Wants Some Luvin'
My Rating:
Runtime: 11 minutes
Date Added: 09/18/23, 10:00 PM


My hot step daughter waltzed into the bedroom all upset cos her boyfriend just txt he was dumping her. My wife is out of town for work for a few days and she wanted a shoulder to cry on. Well, actually she said a big cuddle.
I have given her a hug now and the over the years but this time was different. She hopped under the covers with me and snuggled in. Surely she did not know I go to bed without pyjamas. Well, she soon found out when she cuddled me a lot more intimately than she should. She mentioned she was supposed to go out with the b/f and have some hot sex tonight.
Then the d...

Step Daughter Dumped And Wants Some Luvin'

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