After four attempts with this pair of boots, let's see if I can finally make you cum without causing severe damage! The last time something did not end well... I hope you are alright now as the show must go on! Probably because of the tread of the soles or the heels' shape, this session will be again a real chaos for you. Squeezing your testicles has never been so easy with this chunky platform: I can feel absolutely nothing under them. This means that I will never know if the weight applied is too much or not enough... better always to push a little bit more, just to be sure. S...
After four attempts with this pair of boots, let's see if I can finally make you cum without causing severe damage! The last time something did not end well... I hope you are alright now as the show must go on! Probably because of the tread of the soles or the heels' shape, this session will be again a real chaos for you. Squeezing your testicles has never been so easy with this chunky platform: I can feel absolutely nothing under them. This means that I will never know if the weight applied is too much or not enough... better always to push a little bit more, just to be sure. So... you ready right? Are you ready to have testicle pain for the rest of the week? To have the urethra damaged? You will be heavily crushed, your cock trampled until it's completely red, and your testicles will be part of old memories. I want to see you in tears because that will be the only sign I am fully using you. Today I feel energic. Too bad for you... You'll be my toy!
This is the Vertical Version!
All 8 Videos (POVs) can be found by clicking the links below. If a link below doesn't work, it means the video is not out yet! Come back soon or browse more videos here !
Find the Edited Version video: click here Find the Close Version video: click here Find the Double Close Version video: click here Find the Slave POV Version video: click here Find the Double Slave Version video: click here Find the 45 Degrees Version video: click here Find the Double 45 Deg. Version video: click here Find the Vertical Version video: click here
What is a "Version"? I usually record with 2, 3, or 4 cameras, one positioned close to the subject, another one simulating slave's view, one further away or from a top point-of-view (POV) perspective, and one positioned at 45 degrees.
Edited Version : The video alternates between the 3-4 cameras depending on what is happening, like a movie. Close Version : Close view camera, no edits. Double Close Version : Close camera + Vertical camera in one screen (split screen). Slave POV Version : Slave point of view, no edits. Double Slave Version : Slave POV camera + Vertical camera in one screen (split screen). 45 Degrees Version : Camera positioned at 45 degrees angle, no edits. Double 45 Deg. Version : 45 Deg. camera + Vertical camera in one screen (split screen). Vertical Version : A vertical camera for vertical videos, useful for those watching from mobile phones.