On June 7, 1968 a restless hippie chick named Amber (played by Amber Michaels) decides to hitchhike from Omaha, Nebraska to San Francisco. Within an hour she is riding in the passenger seat of a blue MG convertible and laughing into the wind as the car speeds across Interstate 80 toward the West Coast. Forty years later, almost to the day, Tanya Graham (played by Tanya Danielle) of Iola, Kansas quits her job, puts all of her belongings into storage, and heads to Hollywood to chase her dreams of becoming an actress. After several days aboard a Greyhound bus she finally arrives at a small roa...
On June 7, 1968 a restless hippie chick named Amber (played by Amber Michaels) decides to hitchhike from Omaha, Nebraska to San Francisco. Within an hour she is riding in the passenger seat of a blue MG convertible and laughing into the wind as the car speeds across Interstate 80 toward the West Coast. Forty years later, almost to the day, Tanya Graham (played by Tanya Danielle) of Iola, Kansas quits her job, puts all of her belongings into storage, and heads to Hollywood to chase her dreams of becoming an actress. After several days aboard a Greyhound bus she finally arrives at a small roadside motel on Hollywood Boulevard, the exact location where Amber had landed nearly half a century earlier. An old man at the front desk greets Tanya warmly. "Welcome to the Coral Isle." he says. Momentarily perplexed, she gazes back at him and wonders if she has ventured into the wrong establishment. She thought that she had made reservations at a place of a different name. The elderly gentleman comes around the counter to take her bags and she quickly forgets her confusion as he engages her in conversation about her state of origin and her hometown. The next few days pass in a whirlwind of activity as the eager actress meets casting agents and contacts numerous photographers about updating her portfolio. Their abrasive personalities sometimes overwhelm her. "This is a rough city." the kindly night manager warns her on more than one occasion when he sees her dejected face. "Lots of shifty characters around these parts." Tanya gets the feeling that he thinks she should go home. She refuses to consider the notion. On an unseasonably blustery night Tanya awakens from a deep rest. Strong winds are causing the windows in her room to rattle. Flickering images illuminate her surroundings and she realizes that she has left the television on. During a groggy search for the remote control the disoriented Kansan discovers a vintage postcard lying beneath the bed. It bears the date of July 14, 1968. Before Tanya can collect her thoughts she feels a strange substance melt from the card onto her fingertips. Her lips part in surprise and all of a sudden her entire body freezes in place. The Earth shakes, kaleidoscopic images swirl about her head, and an overpowering centrifugal pull begins to transport her away. Soon Tanya and Amber, two busty blondes from radically different generations, are standing face to face in an arcane dimension of the universe. The magic postcard holds the key to their fate. The ladies realize that they must harness its power to try and return to their respective places in history. Will they succeed or will they remain frozen forever in a realm unfettered by the constraints of time??(Collectors who enjoy this video will also love Frozen Caller and our Superheroine Freeze series.)