Can it be? Oh, yes. One minute, mean stepmom is berating her stepdaughter; the next moment, she's finding herself in a younger body about to be carried off to boarding school! Is it really happening? Yes, it is! Call it karma... or just the work of a genius family prankster getting revenge on her mean, mean stepmom. A simple remote device causes a transfer this vampy trophy wife has never knew to be possible.... she's losing her prized tits, her long blond locks, her perfect manicure and curves... even her mature voice has changed into a squeeky, high-pitched hormonally-driven whine....
Can it be? Oh, yes. One minute, mean stepmom is berating her stepdaughter; the next moment, she's finding herself in a younger body about to be carried off to boarding school! Is it really happening? Yes, it is! Call it karma... or just the work of a genius family prankster getting revenge on her mean, mean stepmom. A simple remote device causes a transfer this vampy trophy wife has never knew to be possible.... she's losing her prized tits, her long blond locks, her perfect manicure and curves... even her mature voice has changed into a squeeky, high-pitched hormonally-driven whine....