If You're Going to Act Like a Baby, Step-Mommy Is Going to Have to Treat You Like One! - Day 1
My Rating:
Category: Diaper Fetish
Runtime: 13 minutes
Date Added: 10/21/2009


What was that? Step-Mommy's really busy right now, honey. What do you need? Go ahead; spit it out. Uh huh... yes... Now, I told you that if your bed wetting problem persisted, we'd just take you to the doctor for an appointment. You're old enough to handle the problem yourself before it gets to that point. What did you just say? You thought I would be stricter with you? You're already washing out your underpants... What do you want step-mommy to do? Punish you? Now, if that's what you think you need to take care of your childish problem... What do you want? Can't decide? Well, if you're go...
If You're Going to Act Like a Baby, Step-Mommy Is Going to Have to Treat You Like One! - Day 1

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