** Per Very Special Request! ** I knew you've been watching me! I finally caught you. I could feel the heat of your stare on the back of my neck! You've been looking at me this entire time, haven't you! Shame on you. I know what you're doing. You're a pervert. You know, there's something you could do for me. You owe me one. I want you to climb under my desk. Yes, right now. There's something I want you to look at... You know, while you're down there, you can forget about my taking a look at my computer. No one can see you. I know what you really want to do. Go ahead and jack off... I'll gi...
** Per Very Special Request! ** I knew you've been watching me! I finally caught you. I could feel the heat of your stare on the back of my neck! You've been looking at me this entire time, haven't you! Shame on you. I know what you're doing. You're a pervert. You know, there's something you could do for me. You owe me one. I want you to climb under my desk. Yes, right now. There's something I want you to look at... You know, while you're down there, you can forget about my taking a look at my computer. No one can see you. I know what you really want to do. Go ahead and jack off... I'll gi...