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Taryn's Taco Takeover
My Rating:
Runtime: 29 minutes
Date Added: 03/22/10, 06:22 PM


*** NEW, LOWER PRICE *** I challenge myself to eat a HUGE amount of food: an entire Grande meal (TEN tacos) from . I set out all of the food, four soft shell tacos, four hard shell tacos and two burritos. I also have an order of cinnamon twists and I am only allowed to eat them if I finish ALL of the food! I weigh myself before and after eating to see how much weight I gain. Watch me eat, and eat, and eat! I truly love food and enjoy every bite. I drink soda as well and burp. My stomach starts out nice and flat. It grows to an ENORMOUS unbelievable size right in front of your eyes. I have to u...
Taryn's Taco Takeover

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