I must confess this to be true. I know the saying goes that diamonds are a girl's best friend but I beg to differ. In this house, BOOTS and heels are a Goddesses best friend. You know why? A true Goddess likes things that get men's attention. Men don't care about diamonds, not REAL men anyway. REAL men care about what happens to their dick when they see something. So a true Goddess loves things that she knows will garner her all that attention she craves. And I am a true Goddess who LOVES boots. And you are very lucky to have me. Do you know that? See, I received three exquisite pairs of boots...
I must confess this to be true. I know the saying goes that diamonds are a girl's best friend but I beg to differ. In this house, BOOTS and heels are a Goddesses best friend. You know why? A true Goddess likes things that get men's attention. Men don't care about diamonds, not REAL men anyway. REAL men care about what happens to their dick when they see something. So a true Goddess loves things that she knows will garner her all that attention she craves. And I am a true Goddess who LOVES boots. And you are very lucky to have me. Do you know that? See, I received three exquisite pairs of boots...