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Frozen & Examined! - Lycha & TerraMizu
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Lycha is struggling with her transition to the female form, and wants to get a proper look. She meets up with Terra and explains her issue, but Terra is not comfortable with Lycha seeing her naked. Even though Lycha is a Male to Female Transgender, Terra can't get past the nudity factor, regardless if Lycha identifies as a female. Lycha doesn't have perverted motives, and doesn't care what Terra thinks, so she freezes Terra with a simple snap! Lycha gets to work right away with removing Terra's tank top, but with Terra frozen, it doesn't help Lycha to see the body move and flow, so she unfr...

Frozen & Examined! - Lycha & TerraMizu

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720p - mp4 181MB
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720p - wmv 357MB
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