While waxing eloquent on the many ways She makes use of Her slaves....whipping post, soccer ball, carpet, chair, slut....Mistress Divinyl lights up a long slender Virginia Slim, and seductively drags away as She speaks to YOU the viewer. She explains that She doesn't light up for pleasure. When you see THIS Mistress lighting up, you better run, because She has on Her mind. Mistress flips ashes carelessly into your mouth, blows smoke into your eyes and then brings the burning tip in to sear your tender nipples. Then she orders you to walk into the lit end that She holds perilously down at cock ...
While waxing eloquent on the many ways She makes use of Her slaves....whipping post, soccer ball, carpet, chair, slut....Mistress Divinyl lights up a long slender Virginia Slim, and seductively drags away as She speaks to YOU the viewer. She explains that She doesn't light up for pleasure. When you see THIS Mistress lighting up, you better run, because She has on Her mind. Mistress flips ashes carelessly into your mouth, blows smoke into your eyes and then brings the burning tip in to sear your tender nipples. Then she orders you to walk into the lit end that She holds perilously down at cock ...