In this, the conclusion of the "After Work Rendezvous" series, Divinyl takes Her pleasure from Her well beaten co-worker, now slave. She has cropped, dressage whipped, and single tail whipped him and he is now a canvas of lovely red and purple welts. Mistress delights in stretching Her long booted legs over the conquered one's back and dragging Her sharp spurs across his wounds while he services Her ass and She-cock! he earns a mouthful of creamy goodness for all his suffering.
In this, the conclusion of the "After Work Rendezvous" series, Divinyl takes Her pleasure from Her well beaten co-worker, now slave. She has cropped, dressage whipped, and single tail whipped him and he is now a canvas of lovely red and purple welts. Mistress delights in stretching Her long booted legs over the conquered one's back and dragging Her sharp spurs across his wounds while he services Her ass and She-cock! he earns a mouthful of creamy goodness for all his suffering.