This custom was made upon request which some people may find offensive (viewer discretion advised)
Emma Frost -- the White Queen -- not only has the power of beauty but can read and control minds too
She seceratly runs a school teaching students with powers, moulding them for her own sinister purposes and she wishes to open a school in the African nation of Wakanda and she seeks audience with the king to make this happen. So she invites you (the Black Panther) to her office so you can talk about arranging such a meeting, when you arrive she seems friendly almost flirtatious, lu...
This custom was made upon request which some people may find offensive (viewer discretion advised)
Emma Frost -- the White Queen -- not only has the power of beauty but can read and control minds too
She seceratly runs a school teaching students with powers, moulding them for her own sinister purposes and she wishes to open a school in the African nation of Wakanda and she seeks audience with the king to make this happen. So she invites you (the Black Panther) to her office so you can talk about arranging such a meeting, when you arrive she seems friendly almost flirtatious, lu...