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Bailey Brooks does BallBust Show Fights!
Best out of 5 rounds. If one fighter manages to pin the other fighter's shoulders on the mat for 3 seconds, he/she is out. If one fighter manages to get one of the other fighter's arms or legs outside of the mats for 3 seconds, he/she is out.
If Bailey loses a round, she takes off an article of clothing. If Psymon loses a round, he gets a ball bust.
If Bailey loses the whole thing, she gives Psymon a lap dance. If Psymon loses the whole thing, he gets his balls squeezed for 30 seconds.
When it comes...
Bailey Brooks does BallBust Show Fights!
Best out of 5 rounds. If one fighter manages to pin the other fighter's shoulders on the mat for 3 seconds, he/she is out. If one fighter manages to get one of the other fighter's arms or legs outside of the mats for 3 seconds, he/she is out.
If Bailey loses a round, she takes off an article of clothing. If Psymon loses a round, he gets a ball bust.
If Bailey loses the whole thing, she gives Psymon a lap dance. If Psymon loses the whole thing, he gets his balls squeezed for 30 seconds.
When it comes...
Not Rated
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Not Rated