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Have a cigarette with a cute heavy smoker! Her cough won't botther you, right?
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Have a cigarette with a cute heavy smoker! Her cough won't botther you, right?
You know what I was missing? Have a cigarette with you! Don't you miss spend some quality smokey time with me? Chatting about our love for nicotine, random things like how ugly is this image in the back of my pack! And how lovely is the pleasure this cigarette give me, give us... As you know I am a heavy smoker, is it 9 years of addiction enough to consider myself a veteran? and as I was saying being a heavy smoker has its "issues" that in my case is the smokers cough so you may hear me coughing between a dra...

Have a cigarette with a cute heavy smoker! Her cough won't botther you, right?

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