Customer request:
Hi Angie, I hope you had a great new year, I am sorry for the late response on the custom request.
Below is what I would like to see, please can you read and let me know if you are happy and comfortable with everything, or if there is anything you are not happy with? Also, I know there is quite a lot of script- I am not expecting a word-for-word recreation, change things as you please but I wanted to give as much detail as possible. All I ask is that you swear as much as possible, particularly using the words 'fuck' and 'cunt' as much as poss...
Customer request:
Hi Angie, I hope you had a great new year, I am sorry for the late response on the custom request.
Below is what I would like to see, please can you read and let me know if you are happy and comfortable with everything, or if there is anything you are not happy with? Also, I know there is quite a lot of script- I am not expecting a word-for-word recreation, change things as you please but I wanted to give as much detail as possible. All I ask is that you swear as much as possible, particularly using the words 'fuck' and 'cunt' as much as possible. Add any additional domination/humiliation where you can.
So to set the scene, you are a university/college student who has sneaked away from lectures into a spare room to smoke. You are a popular and powerful woman who doesn't like to smoke outside with the other normal students because you are better than them in every way and you don't share your cigarettes with anyone. You are a bratty/bitchy woman who likes to humiliate and dominate for your own amusement.
Could you please dress in a super cute mini dress with high heels.
You walk on screen and say "fucking finally, somewhere I can fucking smoke, I've been craving this for so fucking long" (at the moment you are talking to yourself, not the camera). You pull a packet of cigarettes (which also has a lighter inside) out of your dress (they were hidden in your bra), light up a cigarette and take a long hard inhale with your eyes closed, pause, and as you do a long exhale while opening your eyes, you say "I fucking love the nicotine rush you get after not smoking for an hour" with your face showing visible satisfaction (also still talking to yourself and not the camera). You take a second long drag of the cigarette and at this point I walk in and you say (now speaking to the camera) "Oh for fuck sake, what the fuck does it look like I'm doing? I'm smoking a fucking cigarette you cunt. Don't you know not to fucking disturb me while I have 5 minutes of fucking peace so I can feed my addiction you cunt?" You then exhale right towards the camera. "If you fucking disturb me, I will make use of you, you pathetic cunt. You will sit there and breathe in all my second hand smoke, and if you are lucky, I will give you my ash and maybe even my cigarette butt too, and in return, you get to watch me smoke, how does that sound?". I agree to this. You say "correct answer my good little cunt". Taking a few more drags and exhaling in the direction of the camera, you say you need to ash your cigarette. You say "hold out your hand cunt" You then ash the cigarette under the camera. While continuing to smoke, you become a bit more relaxed, and explain that you started smoking with the other cool many years ago to ensure you remained a popular person. As the years past you became more and more addicted and you needed to smoke more and more often to satisfy your nicotine cravings. So much so that you wanted to and needed to sometimes smoke in places it is forbidden. This lead to you blackmailing people at university/college to allow you to smoke in places you shouldn't. You also say that because you are so fit and attractive, all the boys and girls just admire you and because of this you can control every single one of them. You explain that because of this, you refuse to sneak off campus anymore to smoke with the 'normal cool ' because you are so fucking powerful. You see yourself as better than any of them and are entitled to do what ever the fuck you want. You say "I needed to be able to feed my fucking lungs their nicotine, my beautiful black lungs, and I am now able to do that where ever I fucking want". While you are telling this story you are continuing to smoke and blow smoke in the direction of the camera, call for my hand to ash in if required during the story. At the end of the story, you say "now you know this, come here cunt and bring me your fucking mouth this time, I have something for you". You flick your ash into my mouth (again just flick from above the camera so the ash drops in front of it), you laugh and smile, saying how you love to dominate weak cunts like me while you smoke. "I want you to eat the ash that's currently in your hands as well. Go on, eat it cunt. Good boy, well done, my ash eating cunt, I'm proud of you". While continuing to smoke, you continue to dominate/humiliate me. Any further ashings of the cigarette, you call for me to open my mouth and you drop it in. At the end of the cigarette, you say "Looks like I have finished this one, bring me your fucking mouth one last time you cunt." You then put the cigarette out in my mouth and say "well, my pathetic little cunt, you were a good ash tray after all, I will have to use you again. I will see you back here in an hour where you will inhale all of my smoke and eat all of my ash you cunt. I am now off to my next lecture." You then walk off screen.
As I said, I know this is quite a detailed plot and I am not expecting you to learn and recite a script, it can be more natural. Is this something you would be able to do or is there anything you are not happy with? xxx
Customer review:
Oh my god Angie ???? That was such an amazing video! I love it ???? You look so pretty in that dress and those heels and your smoking is perfect as always ???????? The way you swear and your attitude is so hot ???? I wish I went to a university with smoker like you, there weren’t even many smokers at all at my university, and definitely no one like you ???? (Have you graduated now or are you still studying?) This video is a work of art, so perfect! I’m very pleased with your work, and I hope you are too because it was amazing ???????? Xxxx