Smoking a long all white cigarette in an elegant red dress!
My Rating:
Category: Smoking
Runtime: 9 minutes
Date Added: 1/26/2023


I look like a stepmom dressed like this, don’t you think? Like an elegant woman who’s dating your step-father and smokes right in front of you, because, why not? Why would I even care about your lungs, when smoking is so good, so delicious and so sexy too. You can’t deny it, as soon as I grab the pack of cigarettes something inside you gets turned on, you can’t take your eyes away, I can feel them on me. I light my cigarettes with matches, I find it more kindred to my personality, it’s a classic and the taste too. Oh, that delicious taste of tobacco! It makes everything better in life.

Smoking a long all white cigarette in an elegant red dress!

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