Retrofit your loins for the latest & greatest edition of the Assquake series. Ten spectacular minutes of shaking, quaking, clapping and bouncing may be more than any callipygian enthusiast can bear, but here they are nonetheless. In this, her finest work to date, Betsy dances to "Pyramids" by Frank Ocean.
*Please do not consume this booty treat if you suffer from cardiac problems or are prone to premature ejaculations, as viewing could worsen these conditions. Always jerk responsibly.
Retrofit your loins for the latest & greatest edition of the Assquake series. Ten spectacular minutes of shaking, quaking, clapping and bouncing may be more than any callipygian enthusiast can bear, but here they are nonetheless. In this, her finest work to date, Betsy dances to "Pyramids" by Frank Ocean.
*Please do not consume this booty treat if you suffer from cardiac problems or are prone to premature ejaculations, as viewing could worsen these conditions. Always jerk responsibly.