The Cosmos, The Arrivals, Book 1, Chapter 7, Steph Encounters Babs & Janet & Robyn, also Tiffany, Day 1, Section 9, Babs Queries Janet: About Stripping with Tiffany
Boss Babe fingers her bra straps and probes Janet carefully. “So Tiffany told me a lot about when you two Stripped together. She says that you let lapdance patrons wallow in your jaboobies.”
Janet pouts, “Tiffany says a lot of things. I mean, we both lapdanced naked. I mean, I was never not naked the entire time I was a Stripper.”
“Never?” Babs exclaims. “Not even”
Janet cu...
The Cosmos, The Arrivals, Book 1, Chapter 7, Steph Encounters Babs & Janet & Robyn, also Tiffany, Day 1, Section 9, Babs Queries Janet: About Stripping with Tiffany
Boss Babe fingers her bra straps and probes Janet carefully. “So Tiffany told me a lot about when you two Stripped together. She says that you let lapdance patrons wallow in your jaboobies.”
Janet pouts, “Tiffany says a lot of things. I mean, we both lapdanced naked. I mean, I was never not naked the entire time I was a Stripper.”
“Never?” Babs exclaims. “Not even”
Janet cuts her off. “I mean never. I was still naked when I pledged and become your Roommate, remember?”
“I guess you’re not alone. I’m worried MomCap will make Penny and Coco commit to stay naked all this Term,” Babs frets. “Assuming they made it to the Nugget.”
Janet praises, “Nice, huh? We don’t just send them off with no clothes; they will get no bathroom privacy. No privacy at all. I mean, know, I danced there. I had to masturbate and pee center Stage.”
Babs blocks the answer, yet forwards another question. “You and Tiffany both peed on Cam?”
Janet blazes a trail. “All Strippers do. It’s not like here, where Tiffany has volunteered to Pee-Cam. The toilets are made of clear glass, and there are Cams everywhere. And if you don’t use the house toilet the Nugget Cams still follow you. Have to pee sooner or later.”
“Follow you?” Babs double checks.
Janet nods. “The Nugget Cams can follow Strippers anywhere. Especially on Stage. Did Tiffany say if she ever peed on herself?”
“Well, she claims she’s not technically a Piss Mouth.”
“Not a Piss Mouth!” Even Janet expresses surprise. “My, my!”
“Apparently there is a month in her Porn Star Calendar” Babs begins.
“Get real.” Janet pushes down a little too gleefully. “I’ve seen Tiffany down shots center Stage at the Nugget!” Janet pauses, then continues, “And besides”
BB cuts her off and takes the initiative. “Tiffany says you let lapdance Patrons finger-fuck you.”
Janet shrugs off Babs’ initiative, “Whatever that means.”
“Like, put their middle finger into your vagina and wiggle it around,” BB presses, “or rub it on your clit.”
Janet draws in air. “Babs, listen, Strippers either Opt Up and become Pledge, or they Opt Down and Whore. Here’s how I am different than Tiffany. When we were Stripper Roommates two Terms ago, Tiffany and I both let the Patrons fondle and finger-fuck us, but Tiffany let them take their dicks out. She wanted to go there, but I didn’t. Don’t. So afterwards I pledged the Cosmos House, and Tiffany shipped out to Flesh Ranch. We both got what we wanted, and that’s a very good thing whenever it can happen.”
Babs comprehends. Yes, Janet’s Opt Pledge had been a good thing, but I remain unconvinced that Tiffany’s Opt Whore was equally uplifting.
BB renders another question for consideration to her former Roommate. “Tiffany said your full name is Janet Jintoe and that I should ask you what Jintoe means. And how you acquired the nomen?”
Janet considers, “You know, sometimes Tiffany is too innocent for her own good, so be careful, because that helps make her the most dangerous of all.”
Babs agrees, “You were right before: Tiffany really isn’t malicious. And she’s probably a great Stripper.”
Janet takes offense. “Hey. I’m a great Stripper, too. I did a whole Term of pink work. Last Term, I pinked on your behalf.”
“Whoa, Janet!” BB protests.
“I had to climax naked on the Back Door Landing. You never even took your clothes off inside,” Janet attests. “It’s okay. I don’t mind. I’m your buddy. I mean, even now, look at us. You: little crescents, bra and nombril, Black Bikini. Me: Crochet Spiderweb. I took on a whole lot more areolage and hairage and buttage than you!”
Babs looks back at her, flushes, and sighs. “I’m sorry. I’m trying to get beyond blushing every time I’m reminded of my areolage.”
“You bling.” Janet nods her head. “And it also seems like Tiffany and Robyn and Steph have all seen your hairage in the Dining Room Picture.”
Babs casts her eyes down.
Janet buttresses, “Don’t worry. After bling doesn’t make you blush anymore, the Gamers will let you cover it up. Okay, neither Tiffany nor Robyn has a Garment you want, but maybe Steph?”
Babs shakes Steph out of her mind and shifts her thoughts to Tiffany’s nipples, standing up behind clear vinyl.
“Tiffany said her Eraser Heads light up in blacklight,” Babs recites correctly. “But do you know what keeps them constantly aroused?”
“Ask her,” Janet quips, then slows down. “Ask her about her latest ultraviolet ink tattoo.”
“Her latest tattoo, from when she became a Whore?” Babs verifies.
Janet reminisces, “Well, you don’t know this, but I had to make an Alumni Reprise visit to the Nugget last Term. That’s how I know about her latest ultraviolet ink tattoo. We were both naked. I had to lick down her tail trough. And then they turned on the blacklight, and I could see that in addition to her Eraser Heads she’s also got a tramp stamp down her tail trough that lights up.”
“You licked her asshole,” BB states.
“Something like that,” Janet admits.
Babs scowls. “And she saw you dance, no doubt.” BB lifts her nose up.
“Tiffany saw me pull pink and masturbate naked on the center Stage pole,” Janet offers.
“Anything else?”
“Well, I did have to pee. On Stage. In front of the Crowd.”
Babs advances cautiously. “So you know Tiffany not just from Stripping with her? You had to dance naked in front of her and the Crowd at the Nugget, last Term at this secret Alumni Reprise?” Babs shakes her head. “You must feel horrible; you must really resent Tiffany.”
“No! Not at all. We’ve always been friends.”
Janet collects a thought. “Listen, I’m not sure if she has a third tattoo or how many piercings the Eraser Heads count for, but if you take her over to the Nugget, put her down on her hands and knees with her face on the floor, yank her slacks down. and order her to pull her tail mounds apart, you will see that the ultraviolet inks become visible around her tailpipe.”
Babs considers less ultraviolet ink and more Janet. “Any other Cosmos accompany you to the Nugget last Term?”
Janet jerks. “No, not really. Except Steph came along.”
“Steph?” BB exclaims. “I can’t believe Steph danced at the Nugget!”
“No, no, Steph didn’t dance at the Nugget. Nobody even knew she was there; she was my ‘chaperone.’ She went in stealthy and cased the place from a private box. She wanted to see what the Strippers had to do. And she did.”
“So she got to watch you and Tiffany dance!” BB rushes to a conclusion. “How come you never told me before?”
“You never asked.” Janet brushes her hair back. “It was not a Roommates thing. It really was an Alumni Reprise. Most any Pledge who promotes from Stripperany Alumniis expected to Reprise.”
“You squatted and peed right up on Stage?” BB is still incredulous about this.
“Not quite. I packed a shot glass into my jepoot, then took it out and poured shots. There’s a lot you blocked out. I told you to check out my vids,” Janet defends. “But you never bothered. Face it: what you’ve let yourself see has been pretty controlled.”
BB confesses, “Sometimes it seems impossible to determine who’s in control.”
“Maybe nobody’s in control,” Janet muses. “That’s also possible.”