"The story this time around is about you being a waitress, this is such a difficult job, standing on your feet 8 hours a day, serving other people, cleaning and walking constantly... There are rarely any breaks during the job. After working as a waitress for a week you know that there is something very wrong with the heels of your feet, they hurt so bad, almost constantly! The clip starts when you just are limping to the house, you are wearing a pair of sexy pumps with very thin, frilly white ankle high socks. You are limping, almost in tears from the pain (If it's possible to shoot this scene...
"The story this time around is about you being a waitress, this is such a difficult job, standing on your feet 8 hours a day, serving other people, cleaning and walking constantly... There are rarely any breaks during the job. After working as a waitress for a week you know that there is something very wrong with the heels of your feet, they hurt so bad, almost constantly! The clip starts when you just are limping to the house, you are wearing a pair of sexy pumps with very thin, frilly white ankle high socks. You are limping, almost in tears from the pain (If it's possible to shoot this scene...