REQUEST: "In this request you are wearing tan pantyhose, jeans, knee boots over your jeans and a t-shirt. The waistline of your pantyhose show above your jeans. You are upside down in the basket opening and closing your legs. But you are laughing hard because your pantyhose are tickling you! You open your legs wide and close them fast but it's not helping. You try to talk about me wanting to see your legs in pantyhose but you keep laughing. This goes on for about thirty seconds. Then we see you from the waist down in your shirt tan pantyhose and heeled sandals. You are trying to dance and show...
REQUEST: "In this request you are wearing tan pantyhose, jeans, knee boots over your jeans and a t-shirt. The waistline of your pantyhose show above your jeans. You are upside down in the basket opening and closing your legs. But you are laughing hard because your pantyhose are tickling you! You open your legs wide and close them fast but it's not helping. You try to talk about me wanting to see your legs in pantyhose but you keep laughing. This goes on for about thirty seconds. Then we see you from the waist down in your shirt tan pantyhose and heeled sandals. You are trying to dance and show...