This is the second installment in this great series...and the Girls are starting to really warm up now . They desperately want a guy to jerk-off at their PAJAMA Hope has an idea...She calls 911 and pretends Her house is on fire....shortly thereafter a big, strong Fireman shows up. Problem solved. A cock for them to play with!!! The Girls start to giggle and play with his dick, when they decide they want to make themselves pretty, while they Jerk. They begin to paint their toenails while they stroke...doing each othere's ..taking turns. When all toes are sexy and pretty, Michelle dec...
This is the second installment in this great series...and the Girls are starting to really warm up now . They desperately want a guy to jerk-off at their PAJAMA Hope has an idea...She calls 911 and pretends Her house is on fire....shortly thereafter a big, strong Fireman shows up. Problem solved. A cock for them to play with!!! The Girls start to giggle and play with his dick, when they decide they want to make themselves pretty, while they Jerk. They begin to paint their toenails while they stroke...doing each othere's ..taking turns. When all toes are sexy and pretty, Michelle dec...