Running a massage parlor can get hectic sometimes and every now and then a customer needs to be taught a lesson. This time he can't keep his hands to himself when the masseuse tells him nicely to stop and he doesn't the lady of the house comes in and decides this customer needs to be given a good sound spanking on his bare bottom. Hard spanking. Mostly over the knee hand spanking and paddling. 50 minutes full length available at tantrumtrainers.
Running a massage parlor can get hectic sometimes and every now and then a customer needs to be taught a lesson. This time he can't keep his hands to himself when the masseuse tells him nicely to stop and he doesn't the lady of the house comes in and decides this customer needs to be given a good sound spanking on his bare bottom. Hard spanking. Mostly over the knee hand spanking and paddling. 50 minutes full length available at tantrumtrainers.