An awesome updated version of Car Compilation! This movie only has our absolute best car desperation scenes. There are many others that have not been included, as the quality isn't quite up to our current standard. Here is some feedback from our customers:
“It all really resonates with me. This is your most exciting work so far as far as tailoring to my own interests is concerned. Some of the scenes I already have as individual films bought from you in the past, and others are entirely new for me.”
****** 7 STAR ******
An awesome updated version of Car Compilation! This movie only has our absolute best car desperation scenes. There are many others that have not been included, as the quality isn't quite up to our current standard. Here is some feedback from our customers:
“It all really resonates with me. This is your most exciting work so far as far as tailoring to my own interests is concerned. Some of the scenes I already have as individual films bought from you in the past, and others are entirely new for me.”
“The whole thing is a masterpiece of just what I like. Another completely new one for me was Sportylad's scene. I hadn't realised, or I'd forgotten, that you'd done a car scene with Sportylad. I'd only bought the pizza delivery film of him where he has to wait for someone else who's in the bathroom. Sportylad is really hot driving with a bursting bladder like that. I love how in the final scene with the locked public toilets he leaks a huge squirt out before getting his dick out and peeing the rest on the ground. He looks a little bit older than most of the other actors, but somehow that makes him all the hotter.”
“The conversation beforehand between Blondlad and Skaterlad, both in the car and buying the drinks in the shop, does add something. I like the chemistry between them. I also like their interaction with Curiouslad. The whole scene between all three guys is beautifully bromantic. And scene setting beforehand like that both (1) avoids overload of the viewer's erotic sensibilities with too much concentrated desperation, and (2) helps appreciate the later exciting wetting of Skaterlad in his shorts in the car later on.”
“Some of the lads in some scenes end up totally wetting themselves in the car while others at least hold on until they've got out, with or without a certain amount of leakage in the car. That's great for the variety.”
“It's important to watch with sound on because some of what the guys say about not being able to hold it is really hot. I particularly like Shaggylad's protestations to whoever is driving him, for some reason.”
“The fact that Benjylad is in a real taxi is mind blowing. (Arranging that must have been quite a feat!) And his genuinely anxious facial expression when he's obviously worried about being on the point of wetting himself in the taxi is something wonderful that you have captured on film.”
“I've always thought Awesomelad is a particularly attractive guy. All your actors are very beautiful, but Awesomelad from your earliest films is at the forefront of attractiveness in my book. I was really glad to see the collection starting with various car desperation scenes with him, with the variety that sometimes he manages to hold on only to wet himself after getting out, while at least once he ends up doing it in the car. Both he and Burgerlad are impressive in the way they are actually driving the car while obviously bursting. Not one for a road safety film, I guess, but very hot to see them hardly able to change gear or hold the steering wheel because of their bursting bladders!”
“Coxlad is brilliant as always. I had bought one of his in-car films from you already, the one in blue jeans, but I didn't already have the one in white jeans. His scenes are lengthy in this collection and deserve to be. His desperation build-up, and finally losing it when he has clearly held on as long as he possibly can, are superbly authentic.”
“The preview film is great. It shows lots of tantalising parts of your compilation without revealing too much, just as it should.”