Recently reborn as a elf, Dark Muse sets her sights squarely on that singular goal of finding submissives so she can commit herself completely to a life ruled by female domination.No one seems able to resist Dark Muse's bratty wiles and there is no one she won’t put under a spell to get what she is convinced should be hers. As a fractured fable with a blackly comic heart of tranquil horror, the slow burn story inside of "Bratty Black Christmas Elf" is getting Dark Muse to dominated your cock.
Recently reborn as a elf, Dark Muse sets her sights squarely on that singular goal of finding submissives so she can commit herself completely to a life ruled by female domination.No one seems able to resist Dark Muse's bratty wiles and there is no one she won’t put under a spell to get what she is convinced should be hers. As a fractured fable with a blackly comic heart of tranquil horror, the slow burn story inside of "Bratty Black Christmas Elf" is getting Dark Muse to dominated your cock.