Candy Crush Cranking and Revving Oldsmobile Cutlass
My Rating:
Category: Pedal Pumping
Runtime: 4 minutes
Date Added: 10/7/2014


You think the poor little Cutlass would learn. Candy Crush went to crank it, and of course it gave her trouble. Once it cranked, she revved it like it's never been revved before. It had the nerve to cut off on her, so she fired it back up and revved it some more! Lots of barefoot shots and shots of her. You can see her old and very well worn flip flops with her footprints on the inside of the shoe... even the bottoms of her little feet had flip flop stains on them, all the more to dominate the Cutlass with! Don't you wish you were that lucky gas pedal??
Candy Crush Cranking and Revving Oldsmobile Cutlass

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