“Hello, I’m doctor doctor Roxanne Miller. We’ve received your application for our therapy sessions, yes... We’re quite full, as you may guess: we’re one of the top centers when it comes to psychotherapy. But I personally went through your application form, and I found your case very interesting: I would be glad to discuss it further with you. So, would you be free for a preliminary session, say... Tuesday at 4 p.m.? Yes? Very good then! I’ll be waiting for you in my office. Have a nice evening, goodbye!”
Sound of door opening.
“Oh, welcome! It’s nice to finally meet you in...
“Hello, I’m doctor doctor Roxanne Miller. We’ve received your application for our therapy sessions, yes... We’re quite full, as you may guess: we’re one of the top centers when it comes to psychotherapy. But I personally went through your application form, and I found your case very interesting: I would be glad to discuss it further with you. So, would you be free for a preliminary session, say... Tuesday at 4 p.m.? Yes? Very good then! I’ll be waiting for you in my office. Have a nice evening, goodbye!”
Sound of door opening.
“Oh, welcome! It’s nice to finally meet you in person! Please, come in and make yourself at home... Here, have a seat. Would you like a cup of tea? I was just making some for myself... Ok, tea for two then!”
Sound of a chair being dragged on the floor.
“Ok, so, let me get right to the point: you are here to try and overcome some complexes you think you have. Yes, I see... You think your current giantess fetishism is somehow related to some events in your past, and you want to detect them... I see... Well, I hope that the fact that I am myself quite tall doesn’t disturb you (laughs)... Ok, very well then, so... I have to say you’ve been pretty accurate in writing down your past life story. I have read it with great interest and attention. I think I have found some core relationships, along your life, that may have affected you more than others, and that might possibly still be affecting you right now. Tell me if you agree with my insight: I’m talking about the relationships with your stepmother, with your nanny and with your first teacher... Do you agr? Mmm yes, just as I tought... Is there any other figure you would add to the list? Think hard... No, you don’t think so? Ok then. So, now I would like you to tell me something that those three figures had in common for you. Mmmm, ok, all three of them were women that you were somehow used to rely on... Ok, they were all sweet but strict, mmmhh... Almost dominant at times... Oh, dominant, is that so? Very interesting... Go on... Oh, all three of them were tall women? Ok, well, this is very interesting for our purpose... And tell me, how tall were they? I mean, they were probably taller than you back then but... Mmm, ok, even taller than what you are now... So, say... As tall as me? Maybe not that much, you say? Oh, ok, it’s not easy to tell since you haven’t been seeing them for a while now... I understand.
Oh, I think the tea is ready! There you go... We always speak more easily when we drin k tea, don’t we? So, listen... I think I’ve got all the elements I need to suggest the right kind of therapy for you. I think we will need to reexperience the relationships you’ve had with those three women. And for that, in order to make you dive as deep as we can into your unseen and into your repressed memories, we should resort to the use of hiposis. Have you ever had any experience with hiposis? Well, basically you’re brought to a state of deep relaxation and concentration that allows you to access parts and features of your mind which are otherwise not available to your conscious mind... You know, the mind is powerful: it can cause you stress, just like the one you’re feeling and that brought you here... Or it can be the cure for the same problems. But in order to let it be the cure, you have to unleash all its potential. Hipotherapy is a way to do it. You can reconnect to your unseen mind and eradicate the complexes lying there. Yes, it’s very interesting, isn’t it?
So, what do you say... Do you wish to begin our journey to the depths of your mind together? Think well: it would surely be a stimulating experience, but it might be challenging sometimes... So, are you convinced? ... Oh, I’m so happy to hear that! It will be an exciting path to walk down together, for sure. So, we should schedule a date and time for our first hipotherapy session... What about next week, Wednesday at 5 p.m.? Are you available? Ok, that’s settled then! I think we should make our way into your mind going backwards, so I suggest we look into your relationship with your teacher, for our first session... Are you ok with that? Very well then. Until the next time, try and think about it a little more than what you usually do, and write down any thought you have on the subject: you know, to get ready for the session. As a matter of fact, it’s recommended that you keep a diary for this therapy, it will be very useful. Ok, enough for today... Let me walk you out.
Sound of footsteps.
See you next time, then! Oh, what do you say? You think I’m taller than them? Ahah well, I wouldn’t be surprised, I don’t find women as tall as me very often... But it could be those heels I’m wearing, I might just be as tall as them, who knows... Anyway, enough thinking about it for today. Now try to relax and to get ready for the first session next week! Thank you, good bye!
Door closing.