Due studentesse stanno studiando insieme... una chiede all'altra se la puÃ2 aiutare a preparare la tesina per il suo prossimo esame... à ̈ sugli “stimoli sensorialiâ€... l'amica, incuriosita, accetta.
Due studentesse stanno studiando insieme... una chiede all'altra se la puÃ2 aiutare a preparare la tesina per il suo prossimo esame... à ̈ sugli “stimoli sensorialiâ€... l'amica, incuriosita, accetta.
Lei inizialmente nega tutto, ma alla fine, stremata dal solletico, confessa dove sono gli appunti!
Female room-mates are working on an essay for school. Sly student asks her roomie for help - subject being "sensory stimuli" - piqued, roomie agrees to lend her helping hand. Little she knows, she'll be lending much more than that.
Sly student proceeds to tie curious roomie up on a sofa - arms fastened behind her head, feet secured to a table. Curious roomie starts questioning student's reasons - just what kind of essay requires people to be tied up like that? Testing her sensory response - explains student - is all the essay is about: room-mate will be tickled all over her body, from soles to armpits, sides and neckand and she will have to rate hers sensibility - from one to ten - in the different parts of the body.
Student maps roomie's body out for ticklish spots - and then she asks her to further endure ONE whole minute of tickling - without moving or letting out a single sound - for the greater good of science. Roomie can't help but comply - once the minute is over she begs student to let her free: test is over and she can't take any more of it.
Turns out, student wasn't writing an essay at all: testing roomie's body was just a trap - a cunning ploy to map all of her weakest ticklish spots! Roomie managed to abscond with a tough paper's answers from an overly complacent teacher - student is after those answers and real is just about to begin! Denial is just a river, as merciless student manages to break exhausted roomie down again, and extract required information from her, without fail.