The headline from this video Guys; Tina and Her friend have to be rescued from the Bumpy Road late at night once again!
We had decided to go out for a Saturday night and you'll probably have gathered by now that this is a relatively rare event for Me with all my responsibilities at home. I will therefore usually try and make the most of it once I'm out and about, so having arrived home we took the Renault to the Bumpy Road. I wore a black dress with a red flower pattern, sheer 15d black tights and a new pair of red patent close toe heels that I'm just ever-so-slightly in love with!...
The headline from this video Guys; Tina and Her friend have to be rescued from the Bumpy Road late at night once again!
We had decided to go out for a Saturday night and you'll probably have gathered by now that this is a relatively rare event for Me with all my responsibilities at home. I will therefore usually try and make the most of it once I'm out and about, so having arrived home we took the Renault to the Bumpy Road. I wore a black dress with a red flower pattern, sheer 15d black tights and a new pair of red patent close toe heels that I'm just ever-so-slightly in love with! (I treated myself)
I should have known better, particularly when the Renault REALLY didn't want to run properly. As we made our way there it became worse and worse to the extent that I had to roll up to junctions using the handbrake to stop whilst keeping my foot on the accelerator to keep the engine running. As you will all by now know, the Bumpy Road is...well...bumpy! So keeping it running became harder and harder and eventually I lost the battle.
We set up the camera on a tripod and began filming. Initially the engine just turned over and over and you can hear the panic in my voice which is totally genuine. The video is filmed from four distinct perspectives; from outside the drivers door, outside the passenger door, from within the drivers' side footwell and finally from a tripod looking across my feet on the pedals from just outside the drivers' door, set at low level (this angle includes a close up). The Renault DID begin to cough and chug but absolutely would not start; I'm no expert but I think it was awfully flooded as there was a really strong smell of petrol. You can hear the battery become sluggish, at which point we ceased filming and called for assistance!!
The car had to be towed back to my house and I have subsequently tried to start it again with no luck; exactly the same thing is happening, a really strong smell of petrol, a coughing and chugging engine but it won't start for Me. Keep a look out for imminent updates detailing my further struggles in this regard!!
Some updates for You All...
I have recorded a fast driving video; this is something that has been requested several times. I have been really lucky in this regard; a friend of my friends' husband has an Audi Quattro. Now, I looked blank when I was told this; I had no idea what it was. Apparently it dates back to the early 1980's and they were famous for rallying. I still looked blank, however when He told Me it featured in the British TV series "Ashes to Ashes" I had a flash of recollection and replied, "The red car?" I was right! And its red! And He loaned it to Me so He could record Me driving in it (Having now driven it I understand why He didn't just leave it with Me; its a bit quick!!!) It is filmed in the dark but we did the best with it that we could; it will be uploaded to my studio as soon as possible.
And the Skoda Estelle has now arrived with Me! At present I can't do anything with it; it hasn't run since 2011 so clearly the battery is flat (and quite likely needs replacing). I will be recording videos with it as soon as possible. I have someone on hand with some mechanical knowledge who is going to take a look at it for Me.
And finally....I will be spending an hour between approx 7 and 8pm GMT on the 25/04 going through and replying to as many of your emails as possible, at which point I will be available online for "chat".