Confessions of a Múinteoir ( WMV)
My Rating:
Category: Confessions
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 4/28/2019


There's something I've been wanting to get of my chest, something a bit embarrassing...For ages, I've wondered about being tied up. I don't mean by a burglar or anything, but if it comes down to that, so be it. I've been a teacher now for 10 years, toed the line, kept to myself, and if I don't do anything to satiate this compelling urge, I might explode. At least if I talk about it, it might ease some of the tension.Oh no! Just hearing the word "tension" makes me think of ropes. You could say it's all-consuming at this point. You probably think it's a bit weird, someone like me being into s...

Confessions of a Múinteoir ( WMV)

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